Acting | Comedy | DJ | Music | Writing

Joe Palen - Featured Comedy Performance

Joe Palen - Comedy Demo Video - Ice House, Pasadena

Comedian Website | Blog | Contact Joe ]

"Old performers never retire... but they're usually between gigs"


Comedy Soapbox

Original Funny Stuff

Some of My Favorite Comedians

Other Funny Stuff... A(ustin Powers) to Z(oolander)


[ RICKY ROACH] In `96, Joe landed the title role in a fun-filled USIU production of 'Tartuffe' [NOTE: Joe was not in the Gérard Depardieu movie... it's just a somewhat relevant link]. It was fun, but it consumed most of his life for a few months... so for the time being, you're more likely to see him singing in a coffeehouse.

Miscellaneous Things First

Screen Actors Guild (SAG) American Federation of Television and Radio Artists (AFTRA) Oscar.COM

Resources for Actors


You want the bottom line?

You're really looking for the bottom line?

You're asking me, "Hey! What's the bottom line?"

Is that all you ever care about?  The stinkin' bottom line?!?!

Well, here's the bottom line!!!  Not so satisfying once you get to it, eh?