"Quote My Wife... Please!"
Stuff Stephanie Palen Has Said...
"When life sends me lemons... I become a citrus inspector."
"That which does not kill me... just pisses me off."
On the Emperor's New Clothes: "Not only is he naked... he's ugly, too!"
"If you can't say anything nice... use hand gestures."
"Old Rock & Roll is like love. It's best when it's messy."
"You're so white... you make mayonnaise look ethnic!"
Upon hearing of the bankruptcy of one of her favorite eateries: "It's really
embarrassing when you go on a diet and restaurants close."
Submitted to rec.humor.funny
DATE: 25 OCT 95
SUBJ: Presidential Decision?
After hearing a report about a recent "Presidential decision", I commented
that with Clinton in office, that's definitely an oxymoron.
"No, it isn't", my wife corrected. "It's an Oxford Moron."
[File Under: "True Stories", from the lives of Joe & Stephanie Palen]