Flaming Pie - Paul McCartney

Here's the source of this page... http://home.pi.net/~hertgers/flampie.html

[ Song List ]

I found Arie Hertgers' page while looking for "Young Boy", a song from "Flaming Pie" that Stephanie wanted me to learn.  Stumbling upon Arie's page was a nice bonus.  Not only does it have the chords for "Young Boy", but for the entire album!  So, I grabbed a copy to make sure I'd have quick access to it.

Thanks, Arie!

By the way... the only difference between the page you're reading and the original page is that I replaced Arie's introductory stuff (and an access counter) with the text you're reading.

One thing not deleted from the introductory section is the following disclaimer...

This is not for commercial use. The copyright is owned by MPL Communications Ltd

Thanks to Lyman Golden for all the work on the little details in the chords and tabs !!

1, Brackets indicate one measure regardless of width on page.
2. Dashes or groups of dashes indicate beats.
3. Grouped dashes represent beat divisions (eighths) or subdivisions (sixteenths) as required by the music.


  1. The Song We Were Singing
  2. The World Tonight
  3. If You Wanna
  4. Somedays
  5. Young Boy
  6. Calico Skies
  7. Flaming Pie
  8. Heaven On A sunday
  9. Used To Be Bad
  10. Souvenir
  11. Really Love You
  12. Little willow
  13. Beautiful Night
  14. Great Day

The Song We Were Singing

6/8 meter


   D6  Em  F#m11 Em              ....Em    *D6/9
E [--- ---][--- ---]                      [--- 0--]
B [--0 --0][--0 --0]                      [--0 ---]
G [-2- -0-][-2- -0-]repeat until..        [-2- ---]
D [0-- 2--][4-- 2--]                      [0-- ---]
A [--- ---][--- ---]                      [--- ---]
E [--- ---][--- ---]                      [--- ---]
                               ...oh yeah

D6          Em              F#m11          Em
 For a while, we could sit,   smoke a pipe    discuss all the
D6                 Em       F#m11          Em
vast intricacies of life . . . . . . .
D6           Em                F#m11             Em
 We could jaw  through the night    Talk about a range of
            D6          Em         F#m11     Em     *D6/9
  subjects, anything you like,  oh yeah


             ** Cadd9       G/B         D
REFRAIN: But we always came back to the song we were singing
            Cadd9  G/B     D
         At any particular time
                  Cadd9       G/B        D
         Yeah, we always come back to he song we were singing
            Cadd9  G/B     G     D
         At any particular time

Cadd9 = x32033   G/B = X20033
** use the rhythm   "/  /-/-/-/  /  /-/-/-/" for refrain
---one guitar can play last G D: xx0787 - xx0775

VERSE 2 (same tab as Verse 1 except ending)

Take a sip, see the world through a glass
And speculate about the cosmic solution +
To the sound, blue guitars                    F#m11 Em D
Caught up in a philosophical discussion,   oh yeah****
                    F#m11 Em  D
            **** E [-- -- --  -- -- --]
                 B [-- 0- --  -- -- --]
                 G [-2 -- 0-  2- -- --]
                 D [4- -- 2-  0- -- --]
                 A [-- -- --  -- -- --]
                 E [-- -- --  -- -- --]

         add this at end:    Cadd9  G/B  G   D

         (as before except end with ****F#m11 Em D)

REFRAIN  add this at end:    Cadd9  G/B  G   D

                   Cadd9       G/B     G     D
          Yeah, we always came back...

PAUSE . . . . . . . . .

   D6  Em  F#m11 Em   ... F#m11 Em   D6       D
E [--- ---][--- ---]                [--- ---][--- ---]
B [--0 --0][--0 --0]                [--0 --0][--3 --3]
G [-2- -0-][-2- -0-]repeat until..  [-2- -2-][-2- -2-]
D [0-- 2--][4-- 2--]                [0-- 0--][0-- 0--]
A [--- ---][--- ---]                [--- ---][--- ---]
E [--- ---][--- ---]                [--- ---][--- ---]
   Take a sip...       ...oh yeah

Take a sip, see the world through a glass
And speculate about the cosmic solution +
To the sound, blue guitars
Caught up in a philosophical discussion,   oh yeah


                Cadd9       G/B         D/A
         But we always came back to the song we were singing
            Cadd9  G/B     D       D
         At any particular time
                 Cadd9       G/B        D/A          D
         Yes, we always come back to he song we were singing
            Cadd9  G/B     D     D
         At any particular time
            Cadd9    G/B      D/A       D
            G/B      D/A        Cadd9   G/B    G     D/F#
            Cadd9       G/B         G       D/F#
         We always came back.......
                Cadd9         G/B
         to the songs we were singing...

slight pause before:
              G          D
           E [-- -- 0-  2- -- --]
           B [0- 3- --  3- -- --]
           G [-- -- --  2- -- --]
           D [-- -- --  0- -- --]
           A [-- 0- 3-  -- -- --]
           E [3- -- --  -- -- --]

+  EXTRA - try this after the words, "cosmic solution"

           E [-8 -7 --  -- 5- --][-- -- -- ...
           B [10 -8 --  -- 6- 0-][7- -- -- ...
           G [10 -9 --  -- 7- --][-- -- -- ...
           D [-- -- --  -- -- --][7- -- -- ...
           A [-- -- --  -- -- --][-- -- -- ...
           E [-- -- --  -- -- --][-- -- -- ...

Back to Top 

The World Tonight

Intro: + Am / / / / / / / E [-- -2 -- --][-- -1 -- --] [-- -- -- --][-- -- -- --] B [-- 0- -0 --][-- 0- -0 --] [*3 31 3- 1-][-- -- -- --] *bend until G [-0 -- -- 0-][-0 -- -- 0-] [-- -- -- --][-- -- -- --] it sounds D [4- -- -- -4][3- -- -- -3] [2- -- -- --][-- -- -- --] like 4 A [-- -- -- --][-- -- -- --] [0- -- -- --][0- -- -- --] E [-- -- -- --][-- -- -- --] [-- -- 0- --][-- -- 0- --]etc. +slide from 4 to 3 Am I saw you sitting at the center of a circle C D Everybody, everybody wanted something from you Am I saw you sitting there Am I saw you swaying to the rhythm of the music C D Caught you playing, caught you praying to the voice inside you Am I saw you swaying there Em Am REFR1: I don't care what you want to be Em Am I go back so far, I'm in front of me Em Am It doesn't matter what they say Em G G They're giving the game away hey hey.... ------------------------------------------------ Am / / / / / / / E [---- ---- ---- ----][---- ---- ---- ----] B [---- ---- ---- ----][-(5) -(5) ---- ----] G [--5-*4-2- 7--- 5---][--5- --5- ---- ----] *slide to 4 on D [--5-*4-2- 7--- 5---][--5- --5- ---- ----] both strings A [0--- ---- ---- ----][0--- ---- ---- ----] E [---- ---- 0--- ----][---- ---- 0--- ----]etc. Am REFR2: I can see the world tonight Look into the future See it in a different light G(bass only) Am I can see the world tonight Am I heard you listening to a secret conversation C D You were crying, you were trying not to let them hear you Am I heard you listening in Em Am Never mind what they want to do Em Am You got a right, to your point of view Em Am It doesn't matter what they say Em G G They're giving the game away REFR2 INSTRUMENTAL: F...G...F...Am...F...G...G... ....tonight G E [---- ---- ---- ----] [---- --2- ---- ----][---- --1- ---- ----] B [---- ---- ---- ----] [---- 0--- --0- ----][---- 0--- --0- ----] G [---- ---- ---- ----] [--0- ---- ---- 0---][--0- ---- ---- 0---] D [---- 0-0- 2-2- 5-5-] [4--- ---- ---- --4*][3--- ---- ---- --3-] A [2-2- ---- ---- ----] [---- ---- ---- ----][---- ---- ---- ----] E [---- ---- ---- ----] [---- ---- ---- ----][---- ---- ---- ----] *slide from 4 to 3 continue alternating between the first two intro measures.... Am I saw you hiding from a flock of paparazzi C D You were hoping, you were hoping that the ground would swallow you Am I heard you hiding there REFR1 REFR2 REFR2 and fade Back to Top

If You Wanna

Em / D Dadd9 Em / D Dadd9 Em / D Dadd9 Em D Em / Em / D / Em / D / Em / D / Em D Em / If you wanna, if you wanna, if you wanna love me a-gain C / / / Am / / Em / / / Em / / / I'll take you for a ride in my Cadillac C / / / Am / / / Em / / / Em / / / He'll be in the front, we'll be in the back REFRAIN *(Em / / D) Em / / / *(tab at bottom) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . When you're ready, (Em / / D) Em / / / . . . . . . . . . . . . . . let me know, (Em / / D) Em / / / . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I'll be waiting (Em / / D) [ A / / / A / / / ] [ To make arrangements for the trip (3x)] Em / D Dadd9 Em / D Dadd9 Em / D Dadd9 Em D Em / ----------------------------------------------------------------- VERSE Em / D / Em / D / Em / D / Em D Em / If you wanna, if you wanna, if you wanna do it a - gain C / / / Am / / Em / / / Em / / / I'll take you to the coast for a holiday C / / / Am / / / Em / / / Em / / / You can be my guest, you can let me pay - yeah ----------------------------------------------------------------- REFRAIN (intro riff is included at end of Refrain each time) ----------------------------------------------------------------- BRIDGE D / / / G / / / Em / / / Am / / / When you want to love me, this is what you need D / / / G / / / B7 / / / B7 / / / To be thinking of me, when you plant the seed of... Em / D Dadd9 Em / D Dadd9 Em / D Dadd9 Em D Em / love ------------------------------------------------------------------ VERSE (INSTRUMENTAL) ------------------------------------------------------------------ REFRAIN ------------------------------------------------------------------ BRIDGE (two extra measures of B7 at end at "seed") Em / D / Em / D / Em / D / Em D Em / If you wanna, if you wanna, if you wanna do it a-gain C / / / Am / / Em / / / Em / / / I'll take you for a ride in my Cadillac C / / / Am / / / Em / / / Em / / / He'll be in the front, we'll be in the back REFRAIN ------------------------------------------------------------------ *(Em / / D) use this over chords in the refrain [ 7--7 7-7- --5- ----] use regular form of Em for remainder [ 8--8 8-8- --7- ----] of refrain [ 9--9 9-9- --7- ----] [ 9--9 9-9- --7- ----] [ 7--- 7--- --5- ----] [(0)-- ---- ---- ----] Back to Top


INTRO Badd9 Aadd9 Badd9 Aadd9 E [-- -- -- --][-- -- -- --] B [-- -2 -- -0][-- -2 -- -0] G [-- 4- -- 4-][-- 4- -- 4-] D [-4 -- -2 --][-4 -- -2 --] A [2- -- 0- --][2- -- 0- --] E [-- -- -- --][-- -- -- --] VERSE Badd9 Aadd9 Badd9 Aadd9 G Em E [-- -- -- --][-- -- -- --][-- -- -- --] B [-- -2 -- -0][-- -2 -- -0][-- -- -- --] G [-- 4- -- 4-][-- 4- -- 4-][-- -0 -- -0] D [-4 -- -2 --][-4 -- -2 --][-- 0- -- 2-] A [2- -- 0- --][2- -- 0- --][-2 -- -2 --] E [-- -- -- --][-- -- -- --][3- -- 0- --] (Repeat) Badd9 Aadd9 Badd9 Aadd9 G Em Somedays I look, I look at you with eyes that shine Badd9 Aadd9 Badd9 Aadd9 G Em Somedays I don't, I don't believe that you are mine C [5-4-3-2 5-4-3-2] Em [6-5-4-3 6-5-4-3] It's no good asking me what time of day it is C [5-4-3-2 5-4-3-2] Em [6-5-4-3 2-3-4-5] Who won the match or scored the goal Badd9 Aadd9 Badd9 Aadd9 Badd9 Aadd9 Somedays I look, somedays I look into your soul (harp enters) SHORT INTERLUDE Badd9 E [-- -- -- --] A [-- -- -- 2-] G [-- -- 4- --] D [-- 4- -- --] A [2- -- -- --] E [-- -- -- --] __________________________________________________________ VERSE 2 (as before) Badd9 Aadd9 Badd9 Aadd9 G Em Sometimes I laugh, I laugh to think how young we were Badd9 Aadd9 Badd9 Aadd9 G Em Sometimes it's hard, it's hard to know which way to turn C Em Don't ask me where I found that picture on the wall C Em How much it cost or what it's worth Badd9 Aadd9 Badd9 Aadd9 Badd9 Aadd9 Sometimes I laugh, I laugh to think how young we were __________________________________________________________ B SECTION (*** see bottom for note) ( Badd9 A7 ) D A Bm F#m G A E [-- -- -- --][-- -2 -- --][-- -- -- --][-- -- -- --] B [-- -2 -- -2][-- 3- -- -2][-- -3 -- --][-- -- -- -2] G [-- 4- -- 0-][-2 -- -- 2-][-- 4- -- -2][-- -0 -- 2-] D [-4 -- -2 --][0- -- -2 --][-4 -- -- 4-][-- 0- -2 --] A [2- -- 0- --][-- -- 0- --][2- -- -4 --][-2 -- 0- --] E [-- -- -- --][-- -- -- --][-- -- 2- --][3- -- -- --] (We don't..) D A Bm F#m G A7 D E [-- -2 -- --][-- -- -- --][-- -- -- --][-- -- -- 2-] B [-- 3- -- -2][-- -3 -- --][-- -- -- -2][-- -- 3- --] G [-2 -- -- 2-][-- 4- -- -2][-- -0 -- 0-][-- 2- -- --] D [0- -- -2 --][-4 -- -- 4-][-- 0- -2 --][0- -- -- --] A [-- -- 0- --][2- -- -4 --][-2 -- 0- --][-- -- -- --] E [-- -- -- --][-- -- 2- --][3- -- -- --][-- -- -- --] (real...) (feels) (Badd9 A7) D A Bm F#m G A D We don't need anybody else to tell us what is real A Bm F#m G A D Inside each one of us is love and we know how it feels ____________________________________________________________ VERSE 3 Badd9 Aadd9 Badd9 Aadd9 G Em Sometimes I cry, I cry for those who live in fear Badd9 Aadd9 Badd9 Aadd9 G Em Somedays I don't, I don't remember why I'm here C Em No use reminding me, it's just the way it is Em Who ran the race and came in first Badd9 Aadd9 Badd9 Aadd9 Badd9 Aadd9 Somedays I cry, I cry for those who fear the worst ____________________________________________________________ INSTRUMENTAL (repeat Badd9 Aadd9 until....) (see bottom for lead) B SECTION (as before) VERSE ONE end by repeating Badd9 Aadd9 until last chord: Badd9 x24422 (strum) ----------------LEAD and CODA----- classical (steel string)----- Badd9 Aadd9 Badd9 Aadd9 ..----][7---(7)-- 5---(5)--][---- ---- ---- ----] ..---7][--(7)---7 --(7)-653][(653)---- 3-5-(3-5)](653)= ..----][---- ---- ---- ----][4---(4)-4 --(4)----] 16th triplet ..----][---- ---- ---- ----][---- ---- ---- ----] pull-offs ..----][---- ---- ---- ----][---- ---- ---- ----] ..----][---- ---- ---- ----][---- ---- ---- ----] repeat except for last two beats** ________________________________________________________________ *** ...played over ( Badd9 - A7 )at beginning of B SECTION 2nd time) ( Badd9 A7 ) E [-- -- -- --] A [-- -2 32*--] *hammer and pull off 232 G [-- 4- -- 42] D [-4 -- -- --] A [-- -- -- --] E [-- -- -- --] Back to Top

Young Boy

C/// Am Em/// F G E[----][31*0- -- --][----][-- -- -- --][ *1-3-1 hammer/pulloff B[----][53 13 10 --][----][10 -- -- 0-][1- -- . G[----][-- -4 20 24][----][20 20 -- --][-- -- .. D[----][-- -- -- 35][----][-- 32 3- --][2- -- .. A[----][-- -- -- --][----][-- -- 5- --][3- -- ... E[----][-- -- -- --][----][-- -- -- --][-- -- ... (two guitar lead, transcribed for soloist) C Am Em F G He's just a young boy looking for a way to find love C Am Em F G It isn't easy, nothing you can say will help him .... find love F G Am Dm He's got to do it for himself and it can take so long C Am Em F G He's just a young boy looking for a way to find love C Am Em F G He doesn't need another helping hand from someone C Am Em F G But don't you think he doesn't understand that he wants .... ...someone F G Am Dm The word independance means a lot, he's got to still be strong C Am Em F G He's just a young boy looking for a way to find love Em Am F G Find love, a perfect combination Em Am F G Find love, whatever you do Em Am F G Find love, a cause of celebration F Dm Gsus G And it might come looking, come looking for you INSTR - chords same as verse (one time) Em Am F G Find love, in any situation Em Am F G Find love, whatever you do Em Am F G Find love, a cause of celebration F Dm G And it might come looking, come looking for you FIRST VERSE (tempo breakdown) C---Am---Em---F-G-C---Am---Em---F-G- Em Am F G Find love, a time for meditation Em Am F G Find love, a source of inspiration Em Am F G Find love, instead of confrontation Em Am F F/G C Am F G C/G Find love, and love will come looking for you [-- -- -- --][-- [10*-- -- --][-- [20*20 -- --][-- [-- 32 32 0-][2- [-- -- 53 2-][3- [-- -- -- -3][3- *hammer/po Back to Top

Calico Skies

Tune down 1/2 step 6/8 meter (notes in parenthesis are fingered but not heard or are almost inaudible) D A G D G D E [10--- --10 10-- 9--- 7--- ----][5--- ---5 5--- 3--- 2--- ----] B [10--- --10 10--10--- 8--- (0)-][7--- ---7 7--- 3--- 3--- 3---] G [11--- --11 11--(9)--(7)-- (0)-][7--- ---7 7--- 4--- 2--- 2---] D [ 0--- ---- ---- 0--- 0--- ----][0--- ---- ---- 0--- 0--- ----] A [ ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----][---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----] E [ ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----][---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----] D A G D D6 G D E [10--- --10 10-- 9--- 7--- ----][5--- 7--- 3--- 2--- 2--- ----] B [10--- --10 10--10--- 8--- (0)-][7--- ---- 3--- 3--- 3-3- 3---] G [11--- --11 11--(9)--(7)-- (0)-][7--- ---- 4--- 2--- 2-2- 2---] D [ 0--- ---- ---- 0--- 0--- ----][0--- ---- ---- 0--- 0--- ----] A [ ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----][---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----] E [ ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----][---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----] repeat for verses D A G D G D It was written that I would love you D A G D D6 G D >From the moment I opened my eyes D A G D G D And the morning when I first saw you D A G D D6 G D Gave me life under calico skies ..... *(D/F#) D/F# G G6 E [ ---- ---- ---- 0--- ---- ----][---- ---- ---- 0--- ---- ----] B [ 3--- 3--- 3--- 3--- 3-3- 3---][3--- 3-3- ---- 0---(0)-- ----] G [ 2--- 2--- 2--- 2--- 2-2- 2---][4--- 4-4-(0)-- 0--- ---- ----] D [ ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----][---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----] A [ ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----][---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----] E [ 2--- ---- ---- 2--- ---- ----][3--- ---- ---- 3--- ---- 4---] I will hold you A D A D (A) Bm Dadd9/A E [ ---- ---- ---- 0--- ---- ----][---- ---- ---- 0--- ---- ----] B [ 2---(2)-- 3--- ---- 3--- 2---][3--- 3-3- 3--- 3--- 3-3- ----] G [ 2--- ---- ---- ---- 2--- ----][4--- 4-4-(4)-- 2--- 2-2- ----] D [ 2--- 2--- 4--- ---- 4--- 4---][4--- ---- ---- 4--- ---- ----] A [ 0--- ---- ---- 0--- ---- ----][2--- ---- ---- 0--- ---- ----] E [ ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----][---- ---- ---- ---- ---- 2---] for as long as you like I'll G G6 A D A D A E [ ---- ---- ---- 0--- ---- ----][---- ---- ---- 0--- ---- ----] B [ 3--- 3-3- ---- 0---(0)--(0)--][2--- 2--- 3--- ---- 3--- 2---] G [ 4--- 4-4-(0)-- 0---(0)-- ----][2--- ---- ---- ---- 2--- ----] D [ ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----][2---(2)-- 4--- ---- 4---(2)--] A [ ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----][0--- ---- ---- 0--- ---- 0---] E [ 3--- ---- ---- 3--- ---- 4---][---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----] hold you for the rest of my *D E [/2--- 2--- 2--- 2--- 2-2- 2---] B [ 3--- 3--- 3--- 3--- 3-3- 3---] G [ 2--- 2--- 2--- 2--- 2-2- 2---] D [ 0--- ---- ---- 0--- ---- ----] A [ ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----] E [ ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----] life Segue to INTRO * [Omit the (D/F#) and the final measure - *D on subsequent verses] D A G D G D Always looking for ways to love you, D A G D D6 G D Never failing to fight at your side D A G D G D While the angels of love protect us D A G D D6 G D >From the innermost secrets we hide REFRAIN Repeat intro two times D A G D G D Long live all of us crazy soldiers D A G D D6 G D who were born under calico skies D A G D G D May we never be called to handle D A G D D6 G D All the weapons of war we despise REFRAIN and repeat changing last line to: Bm Dadd9/A G G6 A D A D A A D A D A I1ll love you for the rest of my - for the rest of my ... CODA D A G D G D E [10--- --10 10-- 9--- 7--- ----][5--- ---5 5--- 3--- 2--- ----] B [10--- --10 10--10--- 8--- (0)-][7--- ---7 7--- 3--- 3--- 3---] G [11--- --11 11--(9)--(7)-- (0)-][7--- ---7 7--- 4--- 2--- 2---] D [ 0--- ---- ---- 0--- 0--- ----][0--- ---- ---- 0--- 0--- ----] A [ ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----][---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----] E [ ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----][---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----] ...life D A G D A D E [10--- --10 10-- 9--- 7--- ----][5--- 7--- 9---10--- ---- ----] B [10--- --10 10--10--- 8--- (0)-][7--- ----10--(10)-- ---- ----] G [11--- --11 11--(9)--(7)-- (0)-][7--- ----(9)--11--- ---- ----] D [ 0--- ---- ---- 0--- 0--- ----][0--- ---- 0--- 0--- ---- ----] A [ ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----][---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----] E [ ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----][---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----] Back to Top

Flaming Pie

INTRO A A E [---- ---- ---- ----][---- ---- ---- ----] B [---- ---- ---- ----][---- ---- ---- ----] G [2-2- 2-2- 2-2- 2-2-][2-2- 2-2- 2--- ----] D [2-2- 4-4- 2-2- 4-4-][2-2- 4-4- 2--- ----] A [0-0- 0-0- 0-0- 0-0-][0-0- 0-0- 0--- ----] E [---- ---- ---- ----][---- ---- ---- ----] (continue pattern for all A chords) A A Making love underneath the bed A A Shooting stars from a purple sky G D / / C - I don't care . . how I do it A A I'm the man on the flaming pie A A Stick my tongue out and lick my nose A A Tuck my shirt in and zip my fly G D / / C - Go ahead . . . have a vision A A I'm the man on the flaming pie REFRAIN B B B/A B/G# B/F# Everything I do has a simple expla - na - tion, E E E/D E/C# E/B When I'm with you you could do with a va - ca - tion A A A/G A/F# A/E I took my brains out-n-stretched em on a rack Now I'm D E D D/C D/B D/A E// not so sure I'm ever gonna get em back! PIANO INTERLUDE A/E Asus A D (4 X ) ** see bottom A A Cut my toes off to spite my feet A A I don't know whether to laugh or cry G D / D [C - *(play -and- of every beat) Never mind . . . . . check my rhythm A A G D / D C -] I'm the man on the flaming pie A A I'm the man on the flaming pie REFRAIN PIANO INTERLUDE repeat and fade -------------------------------------------------------------------- Guitar adaptation for Piano Interlude A/E Asus A D E [-0-- 0-0- 0--2 ----] Fingerstyle guitarists can try this - B [-2-- 3-3- 2--3 -3--] learn it slowly and carefully G [-2-- 2-2- -2-2 -2--] It is as close as I could get it and D [---- ---- --4- --4-] still be relatively playable on A [--0- --0- ---- ----] guitar. (each dash = one sixteenth E [0--- 0--- 0--- 0---] note. Alternate Thumb! Back to Top

Heaven on a Sunday

INTRO (strum very lightly) Am7 Am11 . . . . . Am7 Am11.... Chords Am7 x02010 E[0- -0 -- --][----][0- -0 -- --] Am11 x05430 B[1- -3 -- --] [1- -3 -- --] G6/D x55430 G[0- -4 -- --] [0- -4 -- --] Dm9 xx0210 D[2- -5 -- --] [2- -5 -- --] Dm7 xx0211 A[0- -0 -- --] [0- -0 -- --] Gm9 3x3335 E[-- -- -- --] [-- -- -- --] E7 022130 Fmaj7 133210 VERSE Am7 Am11 G6/D Dm9 Peaceful, like heaven on a Sun - day Am7 Am11 Dm9 [Dm7 / ..1-0- ----] Wishful, not thinking what to do [ ..---- 3-1-] G C ............] We've been calling it love E7 Am But it's a dream we're going through Gm9 F REFRAIN: And if I only had one love C E7 Am Yours would be the one I'd choose Gm9 F If I only had one love C E7 Am Yours would be the one I'd choose VERSE 2 Am7 Am11 G6/D Dm9 Restful, like Devon on a Mon - day Am7 Am11 Dm9 [Dm7 / ..1-0- ----] Cooling my fingers in the bay [ ..---- 3-1-] G C ............] We've been learning a song E7 Am But it's a long and lonely blues REFRAIN (repeat last two lines) LEADS (Am Am Am Am Dm Dm Am Am Am Am Am Dm Dm Am Am) FIRST VERSE REFRAIN (4 X) Gm9 Fmaj7 Am If I only had one love (continue with chords of INTRO and fade) Back to Top

Used to Be Bad

(12-Bar Blues in E) One, two, three (slide sixth string from XII) E (4 X) A (2 X) E (2 X) E[-- -- -- --]....[-- -- -- --]..[-- -- -- --] B[-- -- -- --]....[-- -- -- --]..[-- -- -- --] G[-- -- -- --]....[-- -- -- --]..[-- -- -- --] D[-- -- -- --]....[2- -- 5- 4-]..[-- -- -- --] A[2- -- 5- 4-]....[0- *4 -0 -3]..[2- -- 5- 4-] E[0- *4 -0 -3]....[-- -- -- --]..[0- *4 -0 -3] *slide 3-4 B A A G E (2 X) E[---- ---- ---- ----][---- ---- ---- ----]...[-- -- -- --] B[---- ---- ---- ----][---- ---- ---- ----]...[-- -- -- --] G[---- ---- ---- ----][---- ---- ---- ----]...[-- -- -- --] D[---- ---- ---- ----][---- ---- ---- ----]...[-- -- -- --] A[9999 9-8- 7--- ----][7777 7-6- 5--- ----]...[2- -- 5- 4-] E[7777 7-6- 5--- ----][5555 5-4- 3--- *---]...[0- *4 -0 -3] *slide XII I used to be bad But I don't have to be bad no more Yeah, I used to be bad But I don't have to be bad no more Well ainıt no doubt about it, people It's something you can't ignore G[---- ... D[---- ---- ... A[2222 4-2- 5-2- 4-2-].... E[0--- 0--- 0--- 0---].... one variation used...etc. Well, I ain't good looking People, you know I've been up on the shelf Yes, I know I ain't good looking And I've been put up on the shelf But I got a sweet disposition I like to enjoy myself I used to be bad But I don't have to be bad no more Yeah, I used to be bad But I don't have to be bad no more You know I learned my lesson A long, long time ago Well, no matter what you say No matter what you do You got one life to live Itıs gonna come back home to you I used to be bad But I don't have to be bad no more You know I learned my lesson A long, long time ago Instrumental Break The good Lord made this world And everything that's in it The way I see it, baby You got to love it to the limit Oh yes, now people Itıs something you can't ignore Yes I used to be bad But I ain't gonna be bad no more Well, the way you treat me darling Made me understand Never quit you baby I'm gonna love you to the end Yeah, I used to be bad But I ain't gonna be bad no more Yes, I learned my lesson A long, long time ago Yes, I learned my lesson A long, long time ago Yes, I learned my lesson You're gonna reap just what you sow ---------------------------------------------------------- Here is a possible rendition of the opening lead.... E E E E E[----][--0- ---- ---- ----][----][----] B[5---][--5- --3- ---- ----][----][----] G[----][---- ---- 20-- ----][----][----] D[----][---- ---- --2- --2-][----][----] A[----][---- ---- ---- 4---][7---][----] E[----][---- ---- ---- ----](7)--][----] A A E E[---- 0--- ---- ----][--0- ---- ---- ----][-- -- -- --] B[--5- --5/ ---- ----][--5- ---- ---- ----][-- -- -- --] G[---- ---- ---- ----][---- 7--- ---- ----][-- -- -- --] D[---- ---- ---- ----][---- --7-\5--- 4---][-- -- -- --] A[---- ---- ---- ----][---- ---- --7- --5/][7- -- -- --] E[---- ---- ---- ----][---- ---- ---- ----][-- -- -- --] E B A A G E E E[----][-- 2- -- --][--0-020-- ---- --0-][----][----] B[----][35 -5 3- --][3--- --3- 0--- ----][----][----] G[---4][-- -- -4 -4][---- ---- --2- 01--][----][----] D[----][-- -- -- --][---- ---- ---- ----][----][----] A[----][-- -- -- --][---- ---- ---- ----][----][----] E[----][-- -- -- --][---- ---- ---- ----][----][----] Back to Top


Souvenir VERSION ONE for Guitar (alone) CAPO at I VERSE 1 F C/E E7 Am E[--- ---][--- ---][--- ---][--- ---] B[--1 --1][--1 --1][--3 --3][--1 --1] G[-2- -2-][-0- -0-][-1- -1-][-2- -2-] D[3-- 3--][2-- 2--][2-- 2--][2-- 2--] A[--- ---][--- ---][--- ---][0-- ---] E[1-- ---][0-- ---][0-- ---][--- ---] Cm/Eb G/D D D7/C E[--- ---][--- ---][--- ---][--- ---] B[--1 --1][--0 --0][--- ---][--- ---] G[-0- -0-][-0- -0-][--2 --2][--2 --2] D[1-- 1--][0-- 0--][-4- -4-][-4- -4-] A[--- ---][--- ---][5-- 5--][3-- 3--] E[--- ---][--- ---][--- ---][--- ---] F C/E When you're fed up shedding too many tears E7 Am And your memory seems like just so many souvenirs Cm/Eb G/D D D7/C I will come to you to ease the pain ----------------------------------------------------------- REFRAIN 1 - Repeat two measures of tab 4 times G C7/G G C/G E[--- ---][--- ---] [--- --- --- --- --- ---] B[--- ---][--- --1] [--- --- --- --- --- ---] G[--0 --3][--0 ---](see ex. at [--- --- 0-- --- --- 3--] D[-0- *2-][-0- *2-] right for [--- 0-- --- --(*012)---] A[--- ---][--- ---] triplet [--- --- --- --- --- ---] E[3-- 3--][3-- 3--] *2-fingering) [3-- --- --- 3-- --- ---] (hammer) G C7/G G C/G If you want me, tell me now G C7/G G C/G If I can be of any help, *tell me how G C7/G G C/G Let me love you like a friend G C7/G G C/G Everything is gonna come right in the end [* on last Refrain you may want to play the chords F C G (get back) here] VERSE 2 (see tab at top) F C/E When you're crying like a poor little child E7 Am And you're feeling like you never could be reconciled Cm/Eb G/D D D7/C Don't forget a word of what I'm saying (triad forms played with snare over 2nd verse) xxx565 xxx553 xxx434 xxx555 xxx543 xxx433 xxx232 xxx212 -------------------------------------------------------------- REFRAIN 1 as before -------------------------------------------------------------- REFRAIN 2 C F C F E[--- ---][--- ---][--- ---][--- ---] B[--1 --1][--1 --1][--1 --1][--1 --1] G[-0- -0-][-2- -2-][-0- -0-][-2- -2-] D[2-- 2--][3-- 3--][2-- 2--][3-- 3(0) (notes in () are meant to A[3-- ---][--- (01)[3-- ---][--- ---] be played if you wish to E[--- ---][1-- ---][--- ---][1-- ---] approximate 2nd guitar hold.... part) C Bb C F E[--- 0--][--- ---] [--- ---][--- 1--] B[--1 ---][--- ---] [--1 --1][--1 ---] G[-0- ---][--3 --3] [-0- -0-][-2- ---] D[2-- ---][-3- -3-] [2-- 2--][3-- ---] A[3-- ---][5-- 5--] [3-- ---][--- ---] E[--- ---][6*- ---] [--- ---][1-- ---] *leave out 6 if stretch So... is too great C F Well, I can hold you too tight C F I could never let you go, but that wouldn't be right C Bb So, why don't you let me know C F (let me know) What you want to do ------------------------------------------------------------- VERSE 3 (see tab at top) F C/E Everybody's got a handful of fear E7 Am But tomorrow it may only be a souvenir Cm/Eb G/D D D7/C Of the way it was 'til it went away REFRAIN 1 INTERLUDE....E[--- ---][--- ---] B[--- ---][--- ---] G[--- --3][--- ---] D[--- -2-][--- 3--] A[-03 ---][-03 ---] E[1-- 3--][1-- ---] REFRAIN 2 (!!FIRST SIX MEASURES ONLY) segue into REFRAIN 1 REFRAIN 1 CODA.........E[--- ---][--- ---] B[--- ---][--- ---] G[--- --3][--- --3] D[--- -2-][--- -2-] A[-03 ---][-03 ---] E[1-- 3--][1-- 3--] etc. .......Souvenir No, not another souvenir No, no ,no ,no ,no, souvenir 78 rpm surface noise --------------------------------------------------------------- (to play on another instrument you must add a sharp to every chord name - F# C#/E# E#7 etc.) _______________________________________________________________ Souvenir - VERSION TWO for Lead (with rhythm, bass, etc.) Tune down 1/2 step VERSE 1 G D/F# F#7 Bm E[--- ---][--- ---][--- ---][--- ---] B[--3 --3][--3 --3][--5 --5][--3 --3] G[-4- -4-][-2- -2-][-3- -3-][-4- -4-] D[5-- 5--][4-- 4--][4-- 4--][4-- 4--] A[--- ---][--- ---][--- ---][--- ---] E[--- ---][--- ---][--- ---][--- ---] Dm/F A/E E E7/D E[--- ---][--- ---][--- ---][--- ---] B[--3 --3][--2 --2][--0 --0][--0 --0] G[-2- -2-][-2- -2-][-1- -1-][-1- -1-] D[3-- 3--][2-- 2--][2-- 2--][0-- 0--] A[--- ---][--- ---][--- ---][--- ---] E[--- ---][--- ---][--- ---][--- ---] When you're fed up shedding too many tears And your memory seems like just so many souvenirs I will come to you to ease the pain ----------------------------------------------------------- REFRAIN 1 - Repeat 4 times A D7/A A D/G E[--- ---][--- ---] [--- --- --- --- --- ---] B[--- ---][--- ---] [--- --- --- --- --- ---] G[--2 --5][--2 --7](see ex. at [--- --- 2-- --- --- 5--] D[-2- *4-][-2- *4-] right for [--- 2-- --- --(*234)---] A[--- ---][--- ---] triplet [--- --- --- --- --- ---] E[--- ---][--- ---] *4-fingering) [--- --- --- --- --- ---]etc. (slide) If you want me, tell me now If I can be of any help,*tell me how Let me love you like a friend Everything is gonna come right in the end (*use the chords G D/F# A last time only) VERSE 2 (see tab at top) When you're crying like a poor little child And you're feeling like you never could be reconciled Don't forget a word of what I'm saying (triad forms played with snare over 2nd verse) xxx787 xxx775 xxx656 xxx777 xxx765 xxx655 xxx454 xxx434 -------------------------------------------------------------- REFRAIN 1 as before -------------------------------------------------------------- REFRAIN 2 D G D G E[--- ---][--- ---][--- ---][--- ---] B[--3 --3][--3 --3][--3 --3][--3 --3] G[-2- -2-][-4- -4-][-2- -2-][-4- -4-] D[4-- 4--][5-- 5--][4-- 4--][5-- 5--] A[--- ---][--- ---][--- ---][--- ---] E[--- ---][--- ---][--- ---][--- ---] hold.... D C D G E[--- 2--][--- ---] [--- ---][--- 3--] B[--3 ---][--1 --1] [--3 --3][--3 ---] G[-2- ---][-0- -0-] [-2- -2-][-4- ---] D[4-- ---][2-- 2--] [4-- 4--][5-- ---] A[--- ---][--- ---] [--- ---][--- ---] E[--- ---][--- ---] [--- ---][--- ---] So... Well, I can hold you too tight I could never let you go, but that wouldn't be right So, why don't you let me know (let me know) What you want to do ------------------------------------------------------------- VERSE 3 (see tab at top) Everybody's got a handful of fear But tomorrow it may only be a souvenir Of the way it was 'til it went away REFRAIN 1 Interlude....E[--- ---][--- ---] B[--- ---][--- ---] G[--- --5][--- 0--] D[--0 -4-][--0 ---] A[-2- 0--][-2- ---] E[3-- ---][3-- ---] REFR2 (!!FIRST SIX MEASURES ONLY) segue into REFRAIN 1 REFRAIN 1 CODA.........E[--- ---][--- ---] B[--- ---][0-- ---] G[--- --5][--- --5] D[--0 -4-][--0 -4-] A[-2- 0--][-2- 0--] E[3-- ---][3-- ---] etc. .......Souvenir No, not another souvenir No, no ,no ,no ,no, souvenir Back to Top

Little Willow

Repeat this pattern 9 times (2 X untro, 7 X verse) D Em/D E {: [---- --2- ---- --3-] :} B {: [---- 3--- ---- 5---] :} G {: [--2- ---- --4- ----] :} D {: [0--- ---- 0--- ----] :} A {: [-------------------] :} E {: [-------------------] :} Bend, little willow - wind's gonna blow you hard and cold tonight Life, as it happens - nobody warns you Willow, hold on ....... D D7 E [---- --2- ---- --2-] B [---- 3--- ---- 1---] G [--2- ---- --2- ----] D [0--- ---- 0--- ----] A [-------------------] E [-------------------] tight CHORUS G A E [---- --3- ---- --3-][---- ---- ---- ----] B [---- 0--- ---- 0---][---- --2- ---- --2-] G [--0- ---- --0- ----][---- 2--- ---- 2---] D [---- ---- ---- ----][--2- ---- --2- ----] A [-------------------][0--- ---- 0--- ----] E [3--- ---- 3--- ----][-------------------] Nothing's gonna shake your love A D E [---- ---- ---- ----][---- --2- ---- --2-] B [---- --2- ---- --2-][---- 3--- ---- 3---] G [---- 2--- ---- 2---][--2- ---- --2- ----] D [--2- ---- --2- ----][0--- ---- 0--- ----] A [0--- ---- 0--- ----][---- ---- ---- ----] E [-------------------][-------------------] take your love a - way G A E [---- --3- ---- --3-][---- ---- ---- ----] B [---- 0--- ---- 0---][---- --2- ---- --2-] G [--0- ---- --0- ----][---- 2--- ---- 2---] D [---- ---- ---- ----][--2- ---- --2- ----] A [-------------------][0--- ---- 0--- ----] E [3--- ---- 3--- ----][-------------------] No one's out to break your heart A Asus E [---- ---- ---- ----][---- ---- ---- ----] B [---- --2- ---- --2-][---- --3- ---- ----] G [---- 2--- ---- 2---][---- 2--- ---- ----] D [--2- ---- --2- ----][--2- ---- ---- ----] A [0--- ---- 0--- ----][0--- ---- ---- ----] E [-------------------][-------------------] on - ly seems that way......hey (Repeat D - Em/D pattern until next Chorus) Sleep, little willow peace gonna follow Time will heal your wounds Grow to the heavens now and forever Always came too soon ....little willow ( D7 ) Chorus (as before) Verse one again D - Em/D riff until end Back to Top

Really Love You

(Loose Blues in E - improvised - tab gives framework) E7 (18 X) E7 E7 A (2 X ) E-2X A-2X B7-2X E[--(0) -- --]...[----][----][-- -- -- --]...........[-- -- -- --] B[--(3) -- --]...[----][----][-- -- -- --]...........[-- -- -- --] G[-- -- -- --]...[----][0---][-- -- 00 2-]...........[-- -- 22 4-] D[-- -- 00 2-]...[2-02][-202][-- -2 -- --]...........[-- -4 -- --] A[-- -2 -- --]...[-2--][----][0- -- -- --]...........[2- -- -- --] E[0- -- -- --]...[0---][----][-- -- -- --]...........[-- -- -- --] help me... love E7 Well I need you through the night When morning comes I love the light But in the night-time That dark is black Come on baby You got to help me get back A7 A7 E7 A7 A7 B7 B7 I love you, oh yeah I really love you, oh yeah INTERLUDE E7 (riff) E7(riff) E7(riff) E7 E7 (repeat these two measures) [---- ---- ---- ----] [---- ---- ---- ----][---- ---- ---- ----] [---- ---- ---- ----] [---3 --2- -0-- 2-0-][---- ---- ---- ----] [---- --2- 0--- ----] [--4- -2-- 0--4 ----][--45 424- 2--- ----] [---- -2-- --2- 0---] [---- ---- ---- ----][---- ---- ---- ----] [---- ---- ---- ----] [---- ---- ---- ----][---- ---- ---- ----] [---- ---- ---- ----] [---- ---- ---- ----][---- ---- ---- ----] Do one thing Do one thing for me If youıve got love Then let me see If you feel it in your heart Then show it right now You know I love you baby I gotta get to you, get to you somehow A7 ..........etc. Oh yeah, I really love you Oh yeah, I really love you You know itıs true (xxx433 etc.) I really love you Day and night Yeah, I really love you In the morning light I really love you Sure be right Come on little baby Gotta find out find out somehow Yeah, yeah, really love you Oh yeah, really love you I love the things You say and do I canıt get over How much I love you You know you do something Special to me And thatıs the way I want it always to be, yeah Oh yeah, really love you Oh yeah, I really love you I need your love Like a bear needs a break I need your heart, baby Hopping on a plate I need the sunshine Of your smile Help me walk Help me walk that extra mile Little baby, I love you Oh yeah, you know I really love you Oh yeah, you know itıs true Oh yeah, I love you CODA E7 (repeat these two measures to end) [---- ---- ---- ----][---- ---- ---- ----] [---3 --2- -0-- 2-0-][---0 ---- ---- ----] [--4- -2-- 0--4 ----][--4- -24- 2--- ----] [---- ---- ---- ----][---- ---- ---- ----] [---- ---- ---- ----][---- ---- ---- ----] [---- ---- ---- ----][---- ---- ---- ----] | | | | |(2nd part played with two measures above for Coda [---- ---- ---- ----][---- ---- ---- ----] [--78 -57- 35-2 3-3-][--23 -02- 0--- ----] [---- ---- ---- ----][---- ---- ---- ----] [---- ---- ---- ----][---- ---- ---- ----] [---- ---- ---- ----][---- ---- ---- ----] [---- ---- ---- ----][---- ---- ---- ----] Back to Top

Beautiful Night

A / / / E7sus / E6 / Someone's gone out fishing, someone high and dry A / A/C# / Dadd9 / Esus E Someone's on a mission to the lonely Lorelei A / A/G / Dadd9/F# / Fmaj7 / F6 / Some folks got a vision of a castle in the sky A / / / E9sus / A / A/C# A/D Esus / E / And I'm left stranded, wondering why A / / / E7sus / E6 / You and me together, nothing feels so good A / A/C# / D / Esus E Even if I get a medal from my local neighbourhood A / A/G / Dadd9/F# / Fmaj7 / F6 / I won't need a castle, they've got castles in Versailles A / / / E9sus / A / / / And I'm still stranded, wondering why A E7sus/B Am/C Dm / / / G / Am7 G/B REFRAIN: Make it a beautiful night for me C / / / Fmaj7 Fadd9 F6 Fmaj7 It's a beautiful night for love Dm* / / / Esus / E / A A - Asus - A A wonderful sight for lovers of love to behold A A E7sus/B Am/C Dm / / / G / Am7 G/B Make it a beautiful night for me C / / Cmaj7 Fmaj7 Fadd9 F6 Fmaj7 It's a beautiful night for love Dm / / / Esus / E / A / A/C# A/D Esus / E / A wonderful sight for lovers of love to behold (*last Refrain uses Dm7) A E7sus E6 Some boat's on the ocean, we're here in this room A A/C# D6 Esus E Seems to me the perfect way to spend the afternoon A A/G Dadd9/F# Fmaj7 F6 We can look for castles, pretty castles in the sky A E9sus A No more wondering, wondering why BREAK F#m / / / A / / Things can go wrong, things can go right / F#m D A / / Things can go bump in the dead of the night / F#m / / / A / / / So let me be there, let me be there F#m / D / A / / / Let me be there with you in the dead of the night REFRAIN - ( Bass moves more than indicated here ) A /C# /D Esus E6 A It's a beautiful night It's a beautiful night PAUSE F#m D A Beautiful night, beautiful night, Beautiful night ..... Back to Top

Great Day

4/4 meter - relaxed strum Intro G6/D Gb7/D Fmaj7/D E E [-0 // -/ /-][-0 // 3- 0-][-0 -3 0- /-][-- -- -- --] B [-3 // -/ /-][-2 // -/ /-][-1 // /- /-][0- /- /- /-] G [-4 // -/ /-][-3 // -/ /-][-2 // /- /-][1- /- /- /-] D [0- 0- 0- 0-][0- 0- 0- 0-][0- 0- 0- 0-][2* /- /- /-] A [-- -- -- --][-- -- -- --][-- -- -- --][2* /* /* /*] E [-- -- -- --][-- -- -- --][-- -- -- --][0- /- /- /-] *hammer from open strings VERSE ONE same as intro without -3- on first string G6/D When you're wide awake Gb7/D Say it for goodness sake Fmaj7/D E It's gonna be a great day G6/D While you're standing there Gb7/D Get up and grab a chair Fmaj7/D E *(on the -and- of two play: It's gonna be a great day * 0xxxx3 to end verse) REFRAIN: And it won't be.... A D/A A7 D/A E F#m/E E7 F#m/E E [-- -- -- --][-- -- -- --][-- -- -- --][-- -- -- --] B [2- -3 -- 3-][5- -3 -- -3][-- -- -- --][-- -- -- --] G [2- -- -- --][-- -- -- --][1- -2 -- 2-][4- -2 -- 2-] D [2- -4 -- 4-][5- -4 -- -4][-- -- -- --][-- -- -- --] A [0- -0 -- 0-][0- -0 -- -0][2- -4 -- 4-][5- -4 -- 4-] E [-- -- -- --][-- -- -- --][0- -0 -- 0-][0- -0 -- 0-] long,..no it won't..long..long..no won't..long A D/A A7 D/A (A) E [-- -- -- --][-- -- -- --]..... B [2- -3 -- 3-][5- -3 -- 2-]..... G [-- -- -- --][-- -- -- 2-]..... D [2- -4 -- 4-][5- -4 -- 2-]..... A [0- -0 -- 0-][0- -0 -- 0-]..... E [-- -- -- --][-- -- -- --].....segue long,..no it won't....... [segue to VERSE (instrumental except last line), continue with REFRAIN and VERSE again - ends with VERSE * 0xxxx3] Back to Top